Bacich Math Matters
Welcome to the Bacich Math Matters website. This is intended to provide parents with useful information and resources to support student learning at home. It includes information about our core curriculum, Eureka Math as well as other resources to engage learners in critical thinking, problem solving and reasoning skills. Be sure to check out the links, activities, and suggestions on this website with your child as it is an excellent resource for students to access independently as well.

Bacich Math Team
The math team is comprised of a teacher from each grade level guided by our math coach. The team meets regularly to address components of our math program:
TK - Jen Wallen jwallen@kentfieldschools.org
Kinder - Thalia Milano
1st - Nancy Kaneshiro nkaneshiro@kentfieldschools.org
2nd - Lindsay Zerzan lzerzan@kentfieldschools.org
3rd - Katy Colwell kcolwell@kentfieldschools.org
4th - Denise Marshall dmarshall@kentfieldschools.org
Math Coach - Fran Yang fyang@kentfieldschools.org
Link to details about the
California State Standards:
Standards Initiative Description
Grade-Level Specific Indicators for the Math Practices
Inside Mathematics Video Examples by Grade Level
What Your Student Will Learn K-2 - Math
What Your Student Will Learn 3-5 - Math
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Bacich utilize Eureka Math Sprints without the time-limit component?
Will traditional algorithms be taught as well as other methods for computation?
When the Standard Algorithm Is the Only Algorithm Taught
Standard Algorithms in the State Standards
One Grade Level Example: Multi-Digit Whole Number Subtraction
Misconceptions about Multiple Strategies
Why does the regrouping look different in the addition and multiplication algorithms? What is the "new groups below' method?
New Groups Below in the State Standards (pg. 10 diagram)
One Grade Level Example: Addition
Eureka Math Links
Bacich utilizes the Eureka Math Story of Units as our core math curriculum. This program provides the scope and sequence regarding concepts, as well as continuity in our math program from kindergarten through fifth grade. We utilize many resources to engage students in the math practices in addition to utilizing the Eureka Math materials.
Great Minds is the Eureka Math official site.
Eureka Math newsletters and more are available in Spanish at this Pinterest board.
Click on your grade level to access more video support for working with your child at home.