Bacich Parent Teacher Conferences

Intake Conferences

Each year, after the first few days of school, we offer Intake Conferences. As our teachers are still in the early stages of gathering the academic, social and emotional information about our students; this conference is a time for parents to share. Developing a whole picture of each of our students is important, so that we can support them and guide them in the months ahead. Your perspective, as a parent, is essential in helping us understand who your child is at this early point in the school year.

In preparing for Parent-Teacher Intake Conferences, we encourage you to give some thought to information that you feel important to share with your son or daughter’s teacher. Teachers will send home a list of questions for you to consider and reflect on before your conference. Since the conference times are limited, framing your thoughts and what you want to share or ask ahead of time is helpful.

First Trimester Conferences

Before the arrival of the first trimester report cards, we offer parents an opportunity to sit down with their child's teacher for a Parent Teacher Conference in mid-November. These twenty-minute conferences are important cornerstones of school-home relations. They provide an opportunity for parents to build a sturdy alliance with their child’s teacher and the school. Conferences offer a chance to talk over the student’s achievement, interests, study habits, attitudes toward different subjects, potential for improvement, as well as a chance to learn about their social and emotional well-being. It is meant to be a collaborative dialogue with the best interests of the child at the forefront of the conversation.