Welcome to Bacich Elementary School!

Bacich Announcements


Thank you to the Kentfield/Greenbrae community! In the November election, our community demonstrated its continued support for our schools by passing a bond measure that will keep our students and staff safe, warm and dry in the years ahead. We intend to use these bond resources responsibly, and in a timely fashion, in order to be as efficient with public funds as possible.

Learn More

Seeking Members for Citizens’ Oversight Committee

On Nov. 5, the Kentfield community voted to approve Measure E, which authorizes the issuance of general obligation bonds to fund facilities improvements in the Kentfield School District. To ensure efficiency and transparency, and in accordance with the Measure and the law, the district is seeking members for the KSD Citizens’ Oversight Committee (the “COC”).
The purpose of the COC is to actively review and inform the public regarding the expenditure of the proceeds of tax measures approved by voters in the district, including the Measure E bond. The COC convenes to provide oversight for expenditures, specifically, to ensure that proceeds are expended only for permitted purposes. The COC serves an audit, rather than an advisory function, and does not replace or impede the activity and discretionary decision making of elected Board members, staff, or separate advisory committees, if any. ​​​​COC members serve for two year terms without compensation, and are appointed by the KSD Board of Trustees. As required by law, COC membership shall include the following categories:

  1. One member shall be active in a business organization representing the business community located within the school district;
  2. One member shall be active in a senior citizens’ organization;
  3. One member shall be active in a bona fide taxpayers’ organization
  4. One member shall be the parent or guardian of at least one child currently enrolled in a school of the District;
  5. One member shall be both a parent/guardian of at least one child currently enrolled in a school of the District and be an active member in a District parent-teacher organization, such as the PTA or school site council; and
  6. Two or more members shall be appointed as “At-Large” members.

No employee or official of the district may be appointed to the COC. Additionally, no vendor, contractor, or consultant of the district may be appointed to the COC. No members of the COC may have any conflict of interest in the matters which they review. All COC proceedings will be open to the public and subject to the Brown Act.
In November, the KSD solicited preliminary interest and are requesting additional applicants that may fulfill one of the seven seats of the COC membership. To apply to be a member of the KSD Citizens’ Oversight Committee, please complete this form on or before Friday, Jan. 24.


The KSD Board of Trustees are proud to announce Lawrence “Larry” Moscato as our Board of Trustee appointee. Mr. Moscato was one of five applicants to the open Board of Trustee seat which will be vacated by Trustee Annie Su on December 17, 2024.
Mr. Moscato, a seven-year resident of the Kentfield – Greenbrae area, joins the Board following his support of our schools through volunteering as a room parent, Site Council, and the KSD Communications Committee. We look forward to welcoming Mr. Moscato to our KSD Board of trustees at our Tuesday, Dec. 17 Board of Trustee Meeting.


  • Bacich Elementary: UTK through 4th Grade. Incoming UTK students must turn 4 by September 1, 2025, and incoming Kindergarten students must turn 5 by September 1, 2025.
  • Kent Middle School: 5th Grade through 8th Grade

KSD Student Registration Information

Site Shortcuts

Bacich Events

All Calendars & Bell Schedule

Tuesday, January 14

  • School Board Meeting, 5-8 p.m., agenda

Thursday, January 16

Friday, January 17

  • Bacich Class Picture Day
  • KSPTA meeting, 8:30 –10 a. m., Kent.

Friday, January 17

  • Bacich Class Picture Day.
  • KSPTA meeting, 8:30 –10 a. m., Kent.

Monday, January 20

  • MLK Jr Day - No School.

Tuesday, January 21

  • KSD Equity & Inclusion Committee, 4-5 p.m.

Wednesday, January 22

  • Finance Committee, 4-5 p.m.

Friday, January 24

  • Bacich Lion Dance Assembly, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Resources and Information

We Need Substitutes - Classified | Certificated Opportunities

Do you have time during the day to step in and support your child’s school? If so, we are looking for YOU.

The KSD has openings for classified* and certificated** substitute roles to support our students and staff. Please complete this KSD Substitute Interest form if you are interested in learning more about the qualifications needed to support your child’s school in a part-time or full-time classified and/or certificated position.

* Classified positions are typically paraprofessionals, yard supervisors, and/or office support staff.
** Certificated positions are typically classroom instructors, and require specific qualifications

kik kspta

699 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Kentfield, CA 94904
Telephone: (415) 925-2220 | Fax: (415) 925-2226
Attendance Reporting: (415) 925-2222

Office hours are 8:00 am to 3:30 p.m. on school days.