Zero Waste School Program
We are thrilled that we are participating again this year in the Zero Waste Schools Program to reduce and recycle solid waste produced at our school. Last year, we received a Zero Waste Certification which acknowledged the extraordinary efforts of Bacich staff, teachers, and students who worked toward a culture of Zero Waste on our campus. Parents can help our efforts by packing zero waste snacks and lunches. Use this link for more information from Zero Waste Marin on packing a zero waste lunch. Zero Waste Marin will be visiting Bacich classrooms in the next month or so to educate our students about waste reduction and recycling.
Teacher Newsletters and Friday Folders
One of the best ways to stay up to date on what is happening in your child’s classroom is to read the newsletters sent by the classroom teacher. These newsletters detail specific skills and activities that students have worked on as well as upcoming curriculum. You can also use the information in the newsletters to prompt your child to discuss what they are learning and working on.
Friday Folders are also an important communication tool. Looking through Friday Folders helps you to see how your child is doing and what areas are emerging as strengths and challenges. Sitting down with your child to review their completed work in their Friday Folder lets them know that their work is important and it helps to establish a strong home school connection.
Parking at Bacich
Parking is available along Sir Francis Drake Blvd and a few other neighboring streets.
Visiting Campus During the School Day
During the school day, the Bacich gates remain locked for safety. If you come to visit our campus during the school day, you must enter through the front office and sign in. Please do not ask students to open gates in order for you to enter campus through a locked gate.
Morning yard supervision begins at 7:45 a.m. at Bacich. Students arriving on campus prior to 7:45 a.m., must be supervised by a parent or responsible adult.
Bacich playgrounds, fields and play structures are closed until 2:53 p.m. If you are picking up your kindergartner and wish to wait on campus for an older student, you may supervise your child on the kindergarten playground while you wait.
Home Language Survey
California Education Code, Sections 313 and 60810 contain legal requirements that direct schools to determine the language(s) spoken in the home of each student.

Bikes & Crosswalk Safety
Please remember that while crossing any street on bike, scooter, or skateboard students must walk their bikes across the crosswalk.
We thank our parents for reminding their children and reinforcing this important safety measure.
Please reference these tips from Safe Routes to School about bike safety.
Calendars & Schedules
Involvement Opportunities
Information and Resources
- Homeless and Foster Youth McKinney-Vento Act - Support, information, and resources for homeless and foster youth. The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youths as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
Getting To/From Bacich Elementary School
A new security fence restricts access to our campus during school hours, and all visitors and volunteers will gain access through the gate in front of the main office or with a FOB device to access campus from the McAllister neighborhood.
- A visitor badge is required for all visitors and volunteers during the school day, and can be obtained in the office. Additional security measures will be shared as our year unfolds.
- Families can gain access to campus through the school office.
- To enter/exit campus from McAllister Avenue during the school day, a FOB device is necessary. FOBs can be picked up at the Kentfield School District, which is located at 750 College Avenue. Please make an appointment with Patty Martinez (pmartinez@kentfieldschools.org) to obtain the FOB device. Limit (1) FOB per family.
- Bacich families may park along along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard fronting the school or in the McAllister neighborhood when coming to campus. Please be mindful of parking restrictions.
- We ask that all members of our school community be particularly respectful and mindful of our neighbors.
- Please visit our Safe Routes to School page to learn more how to get to school without using a car.