About Us

699 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Kentfield, CA 94904
Telephone: (415) 925-2220 | Fax: (415) 925-2226
Attendance Reporting: (415) 925-2222
Office hours are 8:00 am to 3:30 p.m. on school days.
Principal: Maria Martin
Assistant Principal: Cass Walsh
Assistant to the Principal: Lynn Bartha
School Secretary: Gretchen Harris
Visiting Campus
All parent volunteers and visitors must check-in at the front office and wear a visitor badge while on campus.
Families can gain access to campus through the school office. To enter/exit campus from McAllister Avenue during the school day, a FOB device is necessary. FOBs can be picked up at the Kentfield School District, which is located at 750 College Avenue. Please make an appointment with the Facilities Rental Coordinator (facilities-use@kentfieldschools.org) to obtain the FOB device.
The McAllister parking lot has a very limited number of spots available to staff. Most staff members and parents will find parking in our school neighborhoods, along Sir Francis Drake Boulevard
All on-campus volunteers must be vaccinated. If you are volunteering on campus working with children in any capacity, please complete the KSD’s vaccination verification process before you come to campus.
A.G. Bacich Elementary School is located in Kentfield, California, within the Kentfield School District. There are two schools in the Kentfield School District: Bacich Elementary (K-4), and Kent Middle School (5-8). .
Bacich School is highly regarded by the parent, student, and greater school communities. It is known for its strong instructional program and core academics as well as visual and performing arts, health and physical education, and computer education. Highly qualified teachers work together to develop curriculum and improve professional skills. Teachers are selected at each grade level to be a part of a site-based instructional decision making team. Student responsibilities are emphasized through a strong Character Education program.
Bacich Elementary School is committed to the highest quality instructional program. Parents, teachers, and administrators are involved in regular assessment of program quality and on-going program development to better address the needs of our students and to remain in alignment with the California Common Core Standards.
Bacich School has a diverse, talented staff. In all subject areas they plan curriculum that exceeds state frameworks and model curriculum guidelines. Teachers take every opportunity to expand their horizons through continuing professional development.
Students with identified special needs are placed in programs to best address individual goals. Special education students learn in the least restrictive environment, which may include a regular classroom placement with additional support provided within or outside of the classroom, special assistance or specialized classes.
English Language Learners are assessed annually and monitored closely as they progress towards fluency and reclassification. Bacich School his committed to equitable support and treatment of all members of the school community regardless of language, gender, ethnicity or disability.
Parental Involvement
Please read our Involvement Opportunities to discover all the ways you can contribute to making our campus a vibrant learning community.
The Kentfield Schools PTA strives to be a volunteer, communication and financial resource for the Kentfield School District. With over 200 parent volunteers who log in over 10,000 hours of volunteer work per year, the Kentfield Schools PTA supports programs such as the Performing Arts Assembly; the Be the Change Committee, Library Aides, After School Sports programs, school garden, a Music Lab and an excellent Parent Ed Lecture Series among other on-site school activities. Additionally, we provide financial support for teachers and administration so that they may have access to desired teaching tools in order to maintain the District’s high standard for learning. Please visit the KSPTA website for contact information and more details.
Kentfield Invests in Kids | KIK is the fundraising arm of the Kentfield Schools Foundation. The Foundation was created to supplement the District’s budget to ensure our kids receive the best possible education regardless of how our schools are funded. Our investment is essential. KIK gives enough to pay for smaller than average class sizes; specialists, classroom aides and counseling; enrichment programs: Art, Music, PE, Band/Chorus, Technology, Drama, Performing Arts, Coding, Enterprise, Expressions, Woodshop, Video Boot Camp and Library Program; and the flexibility for the District to pursue a S.T.E.A.M.– focused program! Visit the KIK website to find out more about supporting KIK and participating in one of their many community building activities.